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Selenite Crystal

Selenite Crystal Meaning and Uses

Selenite is a type of crystal that is a variety of Gypsum mineral. It is a translucent or transparent mineral that often has a pearly or silky luster. Selenite crystals are typically colorless, but they can also be found in shades of white, gray, green, yellow, and brown. The name “selenite” comes from the Greek word for “moon,” because the crystal has a luminous, moon-like glow.

Selenite is known for its metaphysical properties and is often used in crystal healing and meditation. It is believed to have a high vibration that can help clear energy blockages, promote mental clarity, and enhance spiritual growth. Selenite is also said to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, making it a popular choice for stress relief.

Selenite is the Crystal of the Moon

Selenite crystals can be found in many different forms, including clusters, wands, and polished shapes. They are also commonly used in home decor, as their translucent quality and soft glow make them a beautiful addition to any space. Additionally, selenite is a popular choice for jewelry, as it is a relatively soft mineral and can be easily shaped and polished.

It is important to note that Selenite is a relatively soft crystal, with a hardness of only 2 on the Mohs scale. This means that it can be easily scratched or damaged, and should be handled with care. Additionally, Selenite should not be exposed to water, as it is a soluble mineral and can be damaged or dissolved over time.

Healing Overview

Quick Overview







Mohs Hardness:








Selenite Crystal

Selenite with Meditation

Selenite is a popular crystal for meditation, as it is believed to have several benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Here are some ways in which selenite can be used in meditation and the potential benefits:

Clearing the Mind

One of the main benefits of using selenite for meditation is its ability to clear the mind. Selenite is said to have a high vibration that can help release mental clutter and promote mental clarity. By using selenite during meditation, you may be able to quiet your thoughts and focus on the present moment. This can be especially helpful for those who struggle with racing thoughts or anxiety during meditation.

Promoting Relaxation

Selenite is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions. Its soft, gentle energy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation during meditation. By holding a selenite wand or placing a selenite crystal near you during meditation, you may be able to create a more peaceful, calming environment for your practice.

Enhancing Spiritual Growth

Selenite is often associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center at the top of the head that is linked to spiritual awareness and enlightenment. By working with selenite during meditation, you may be able to enhance your connection to the divine and deepen your spiritual practice. Selenite is also said to help activate the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and psychic abilities.

Healing and Rebalancing

Selenite is believed to have healing properties that can help balance and restore the body’s energy systems. By placing selenite on different parts of the body during meditation, you may be able to promote healing and rebalance your energy. Selenite is often used in crystal healing practices to help release energetic blockages and promote overall wellness.

To use Selenite in meditation, you can hold a Selenite wand in your hand or place a Selenite crystal on your forehead or crown chakra. You can also create a grid of selenite crystals around you during meditation to enhance the energy in the space. As you meditate with Selenite, focus on your breath and allow the energy of the crystal to help you relax and connect with your inner self.

In addition to these benefits, Selenite is also a beautiful and soothing crystal to work with during meditation. Its translucent, shimmering quality can help create a peaceful, serene atmosphere for your practice. Whether you choose to hold a Selenite wand, place a Selenite crystal on your third eye or crown chakra, or create a selenite grid around you, incorporating this crystal into your meditation practice can help enhance your experience and deepen your connection to your inner self.

How to Use Selenite During Meditation

Selenite is a powerful crystal that can offer a range of benefits for meditation practitioners. Its high vibration can help clear the mind and promote mental clarity, making it an ideal crystal for those who struggle with racing thoughts or anxiety during meditation. Selenite’s gentle, calming energy can also help reduce stress and promote relaxation during meditation, creating a peaceful, calming environment for your practice.

Additionally, Selenite is associated with the crown chakra and can enhance spiritual growth and connection to the divine. By incorporating Selenite into your meditation practice, you may be able to deepen your connection to your inner self and experience a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Here are some step-by-step directions for using selenite during meditation:

  1. Choose your Selenite: First, select the Selenite crystal or wand you want to use for your meditation practice. You may want to hold a Selenite wand in your hand, place a Selenite crystal on your forehead or crown chakra, or create a grid of Selenite crystals around you.

  2. Find a comfortable position: Next, find a comfortable position for your meditation practice. This could be seated on a cushion or chair, lying down, or any other position that feels comfortable for you.

  3. Set your intention: Before you begin your meditation practice, take a moment to set your intention. You may want to focus on clearing your mind, releasing stress, or connecting with your spiritual practice.

  4. Hold or place your Selenite: If you are holding a Selenite wand, hold it in your hand and close your eyes. If you are placing a Selenite crystal on your forehead or crown chakra, gently place the crystal on the area and close your eyes. If you are creating a grid of Selenite crystals around you, arrange them in a pattern that feels intuitive to you.

  5. Breathe deeply: Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus on your breath and allow yourself to relax in the present moment.

  6. Allow the energy of the Selenite to guide you: As you meditate with selenite, allow the energy of the crystal to guide you. You may feel a sense of peace or calmness, or you may have intuitive insights or visualizations. Trust whatever comes up for you and allow yourself to be open to the experience.

  7. End your meditation practice: When you are ready to end your meditation practice, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to reflect on your experience and any insights or messages you received during your practice.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to meditate with selenite. Follow your intuition and allow the energy of the crystal to guide you. With regular practice, you may find that Selenite helps deepen your meditation practice and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

Selenite for the Crown Chakra

crown chakra location

The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the seventh chakra in the body’s energy system. It is located at the top of the head and is associated with spiritual connection, enlightenment, and consciousness. The crown chakra is often depicted as a lotus flower with a thousand petals, symbolizing the vast potential for spiritual growth and awakening.

Selenite crystals are closely associated with the crown chakra due to their high vibration and ability to enhance spiritual growth and connection to the divine. Selenite is believed to help activate the crown chakra and facilitate communication with higher realms of consciousness. By working with Selenite during meditation or other spiritual practices, you may be able to deepen your connection to your inner self and the universal consciousness.

When using Selenite to balance the crown chakra, it is recommended to place the crystal on the top of the head or hold a selenite wand above the head during meditation. This can help activate and balance the energy of the crown chakra, promoting spiritual growth and higher levels of awareness.

In addition to its association with the crown chakra, selenite is also believed to activate the third eye chakra, which is located in the forehead and is associated with intuition and psychic abilities. By working with selenite to balance both the crown and third eye chakras, you may be able to enhance your spiritual practice and deepen your connection to the universe.

How to use Selenite to Balance your Crown Chakra

Here are some step-by-step directions on how to use Selenite to balance your crown chakra:

  1. Choose your Selenite: First, choose a selenite wand or a selenite crystal that resonates with you. You may want to choose a larger crystal to place on the top of your head or a smaller one to hold in your hand.

  2. Find a comfortable position: Find a comfortable position for your meditation practice. You can sit cross-legged on a cushion, sit in a chair, or lie down on your back. Make sure you are comfortable and won’t be disturbed during your practice.

  3. Hold or place your Selenite: If you’re using a Selenite wand, hold it in your right hand and place the tip of the wand on the top of your head. If you’re using a Selenite crystal, place it directly on the top of your head. You can also hold a smaller Selenite crystal in your hand if that feels more comfortable.

  4. Focus on your breath: Take a few deep breaths and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Allow yourself to relax and let go of any tension.

  5. Visualize the energy flowing: Visualize white light flowing down from the universe and entering through the top of your head. As the light flows down, it clears any blockages or imbalances in your crown chakra. Focus on the sensation of the energy flowing down and clearing your chakra.

  6. Stay focused: Stay focused on the sensation for several minutes, allowing the Selenite to balance and clear your crown chakra. You may want to set a timer for 5-10 minutes to help you stay focused.

  7. End your practice: When you’re ready to end your practice, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to reflect on your experience and notice how you feel.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to use selenite to balance your crown chakra. Follow your intuition and allow the energy of the crystal to guide you. With regular practice, you may find that selenite helps balance your crown chakra and promotes spiritual growth and connection to the divine.

Selenite Crystal

Birthstone, Anniversary, and Zodiac

Selenite is not a modern or traditional birthstone.

Selenite is not a traditional anniversary stone.

Selenite crystals are strongly associated with Cancer. However, it has benefits for all zodiac signs.

Selenite for Each Zodiac Sign

Selenite is a powerful crystal that is associated with spiritual growth and connection to the divine. It has a high vibration and is known for its ability to promote mental clarity, reduce stress, and enhance spiritual awareness. Each zodiac sign has its unique characteristics and challenges, and Selenite can help support and balance each sign’s energy. Here’s how Selenite can help each zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries is a fire sign known for its passion and drive. Selenite can help Aries balance its energy by promoting mental clarity and reducing stress. It can also help Aries connect to their intuition and find a sense of calm in the midst of their high-energy pursuits.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is an earth sign known for its stability and practicality. Selenite can help Taurus connect to their spiritual side and tap into their intuition. It can also help Taurus release any tension or stress they may be holding onto and find a sense of peace.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini is an air sign known for its intelligence and communication skills. Selenite can help Gemini balance their energy by promoting mental clarity and enhancing their communication skills. It can also help Gemini connect to their inner truth and find a sense of peace amidst their busy lives.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is a water sign known for its emotional depth and sensitivity. Selenite can help Cancer balance their energy by promoting emotional healing and reducing stress. It can also help Cancer connect to their intuition and find a sense of calm during emotionally challenging times.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo is a fire sign known for its creativity and confidence. Selenite can help Leo balance their energy by promoting mental clarity and reducing stress. It can also help Leo connect to their intuition and find a sense of calm amidst their busy lives.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo is an earth sign known for its practicality and attention to detail. Selenite can help Virgo connect to their spiritual side and tap into their intuition. It can also help Virgo release any tension or stress they may be holding onto and find a sense of peace.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra is an air sign known for its balance and harmony. Selenite can help Libra balance their energy by promoting emotional healing and reducing stress. It can also help Libra connect to their inner truth and find a sense of calm during emotionally challenging times.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is a water sign known for its intensity and depth. Selenite can help Scorpio balance their energy by promoting emotional healing and reducing stress. It can also help Scorpio connect to their intuition and find a sense of calm during emotionally challenging times.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is a fire sign known for its adventurous spirit and free-thinking nature. Selenite can help Sagittarius balance their energy by promoting mental clarity and reducing stress. It can also help Sagittarius connect to their intuition and find a sense of calm amidst their busy lives.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is an earth sign known for its practicality and ambition. Selenite can help Capricorn connect to their spiritual side and tap into their intuition. It can also help Capricorn release any tension or stress they may be holding onto and find a sense of peace.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is an air sign known for its independence and innovation. Selenite can help Aquarius balance their energy by promoting mental clarity and enhancing their communication skills. It can also help Aquarius connect to their inner truth and find a sense of calm amidst their busy lives.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is a water sign known for its sensitivity and compassion. Selenite can help Pisces balance their energy by promoting emotional healing and reducing stress. It can also help Pisces connect to their intuition and find a sense of calm during emotionally challenging times.

In conclusion, Selenite can be a powerful tool for supporting and balancing the energy of each zodiac sign. By promoting mental clarity, emotional healing, and spiritual connection, Selenite can help each sign find a sense of peace and harmony in their lives. Whether you’re an adventurous Sagittarius or a practical Capricorn, incorporating Selenite into your spiritual practice can help you tap into your unique strengths and overcome any challenges that come your way.

Selenite History in Ancient Cultures

Selenite is a beautiful and powerful crystal that has been revered for its spiritual and healing properties for thousands of years. Its name is derived from the ancient Greek word “selene,” which means “moon,” and it was named for its moon-like glow when polished.

The use of Selenite can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. In ancient Greece, Selenite was believed to be a gift from the moon goddess Selene, and it was used in rituals to honor her. The Greeks also believed that selenite had the power to bring good luck and protection to those who carried it.

The ancient Egyptians also valued Selenite and used it in a variety of ways. They believed that Selenite had the power to ward off evil spirits and protect against negative energy. Selenite was also used in the mummification process, as it was believed to help the soul of the deceased pass through the afterlife.

In ancient Rome, Selenite was considered a powerful talisman that could bring good luck and ward off negative energy. It was also used in medicine, as it was believed to have healing properties and could help treat a variety of ailments.

Throughout history, Selenite has been used in a variety of ways for its spiritual and healing properties. It is believed to have a high vibration that can help promote mental clarity and enhance spiritual connection. Selenite is also known for its ability to cleanse and purify energy, making it a popular choice for spiritual practices such as meditation and energy healing.

In modern times, Selenite continues to be valued for its spiritual and healing properties. It is often used in crystal healing sessions to promote emotional healing and reduce stress. Selenite is also used in Feng Shui to create a peaceful and harmonious environment, and it is often placed in homes and offices to promote positive energy flow.

In conclusion, Selenite has a rich history of use in ancient cultures for its spiritual and healing properties. From ancient Greece to modern times, Selenite continues to be valued for its ability to promote mental clarity, enhance spiritual connection, and promote emotional healing. Whether you’re looking to incorporate Selenite into your spiritual practice or simply appreciate its beauty and energy, this powerful crystal has much to offer.

cleansing crystals rose quartz, sage, palo santo

Cleansing Selenite

Selenite is a powerful crystal that has the ability to absorb negative energy and promote mental clarity. However, it’s important to cleanse your Selenite crystals regularly to ensure that they maintain their positive energy and effectiveness. Here are some methods you can use to cleanse your Selenite crystals:

  • Moonlight: One of the most popular ways to cleanse Selenite crystals is to place them under the light of the full moon. Simply place your Selenite crystals outside or near a window where they can be exposed to the light of the full moon. Leave them there overnight, and they will be cleansed and recharged by the moon’s energy.
  • Saltwater: Selenite is a soft and porous crystal, so it’s important to be careful when using water to cleanse it. However, a gentle saltwater bath can be an effective way to cleanse your Selenite crystals. Simply mix some sea salt or Himalayan salt with water in a bowl and place your Selenite crystals in the mixture. Leave them for a few minutes, then rinse them off with clean water and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • Sage or Palo Santo: Burning sage or Palo Santo wood is a popular method for cleansing crystals and clearing negative energy. Simply light your sage or Palo Santo stick and hold your Selenite crystals in the smoke for a few minutes. Be sure to allow the smoke to fully surround your crystals.
  • Other crystals: Another effective method for cleansing Selenite crystals is to use other crystals that have cleansing properties. Place your Selenite crystals on a bed of quartz crystals or amethyst for several hours. These crystals will help to cleanse and recharge your Selenite crystals.

It’s important to note that Selenite should not be cleansed with water for long periods of time, as it can dissolve in water. It’s also important to be mindful of where you place your Selenite crystals, as they can absorb negative energy from their environment.

In conclusion, cleansing your Selenite crystals is an important step in maintaining their positive energy and effectiveness. Whether you choose to use moonlight, saltwater, sage, or other crystals, regularly cleansing your Selenite crystals will help to ensure that they continue to promote mental clarity and positive energy.

Selenite Physical Healing

Selenite is a powerful crystal that is believed to have many potential benefits for physical healing. It is said to have pain-relieving properties, particularly for back pain and chronic pain conditions. Selenite may also help to boost the immune system, promote cell regeneration, and improve skin health. Its calming properties can help to ease insomnia and promote better sleep.

Additionally, Selenite is believed to have a positive impact on the body’s energy centers, which may help to enhance physical energy and promote a sense of vitality. However, it’s important to note that while Selenite is believed to have these potential benefits, it should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using Selenite or any other alternative healing practices for physical health concerns.

Here are some potential benefits of using Selenite for physical healing:

  • Pain relief: Selenite has been said to have pain-relieving properties, particularly for back pain and chronic pain conditions. Its high vibration energy can help to soothe pain and promote relaxation.
  • Enhancing physical energy: Selenite is believed to have a positive impact on the body’s energy centers, particularly the solar plexus and crown chakras. It can help to promote a sense of physical vitality and energy.
  • Boosting the immune system: Selenite has been said to have immune-boosting properties, potentially due to its ability to remove negative energy and promote mental clarity. It may also help to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Easing insomnia: Selenite’s calming properties may help to promote better sleep and ease insomnia. It can be used as a natural alternative to sleeping pills or other sleep aids.
  • Promoting cell regeneration: Selenite is believed to have the ability to promote cell regeneration, potentially due to its high vibration energy. This may help to speed up the healing process for injuries or wounds.
  • Improving skin health: Selenite has been said to have a positive impact on the skin, potentially due to its cleansing properties. It may help to reduce inflammation, soothe irritated skin, and promote a healthy, radiant complexion.

The best way to use Selenite for physical healing is to place it on the affected area or hold it in your hand while meditating. You can also place Selenite in your bath water or carry it with you throughout the day. Some people also place Selenite under their pillows to promote better sleep. It’s important to cleanse and charge your Selenite regularly to ensure its healing properties remain potent. It’s important to note that while Selenite is believed to have these potential benefits, it should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment.

Selenite Mental Healing

Certainly, using Selenite for mental healing can be a powerful practice. To use Selenite for this purpose, you can place it on your third eye chakra during meditation or carry it with you throughout the day. Selenite’s calming properties can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, promote mental clarity, and enhance meditation practices.

Additionally, Selenite’s soothing energy can help to promote emotional healing and balance, boost self-esteem and confidence, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities. However, it’s important to note that while Selenite is believed to have these potential benefits, it should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using Selenite or any other alternative healing practices for mental health concerns.

Here are some potential benefits of using Selenite for mental healing:

  • Promoting mental clarity: Selenite is believed to have a powerful cleansing effect on the mind, helping to remove negative thought patterns and promote mental clarity.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety: Selenite’s calming properties can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. It can be used as a natural alternative to anti-anxiety medication.
  • Enhancing meditation: Selenite’s high vibration energy can help to enhance meditation practices and promote a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.
  • Promoting emotional healing: Selenite is said to have a gentle, soothing energy that can help to promote emotional healing and balance.
  • Boosting self-esteem and confidence: Selenite can help to boost self-esteem and confidence by promoting a sense of inner peace and calm.
  • Enhancing intuition: Selenite is believed to have the ability to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, making it a popular choice for those seeking to develop their spiritual gifts.

The best way to use Selenite for mental healing is to place it on your third eye chakra during meditation or carry it with you throughout the day. You can also place Selenite on your bedside table to promote peaceful sleep and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Selenite’s high vibration energy can help to promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and boost self-esteem and confidence.

It’s important to cleanse and charge your Selenite regularly to ensure its healing properties remain potent. However, it’s important to note that while Selenite is believed to have potential mental healing benefits, it should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using Selenite or any other alternative healing practices for mental health concerns.

Selenite Emotional Healing

Certainly, using Selenite for emotional healing can be a powerful practice. To use Selenite for this purpose, you can place it on your heart chakra during meditation or carry it with you throughout the day. Selenite’s calming properties can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels, promote emotional balance and stability, and boost self-esteem and confidence.

Additionally, Selenite’s high vibration energy can help to enhance spiritual growth and facilitate forgiveness and release of negative emotions. Selenite is a versatile crystal that can be used in a variety of ways to promote emotional healing, such as in crystal grids, in bath water, or even simply holding a Selenite wand and focusing on your intentions.

Here are some potential benefits of using Selenite for emotional healing:

  • Promoting emotional balance: Selenite is believed to have a soothing, calming energy that can help to promote emotional balance and stability.
  • Reducing anxiety and stress: Selenite’s calming properties can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels, making it a useful tool for those who suffer from anxiety or depression.
  • Enhancing clarity and mental focus: Selenite is believed to have a cleansing effect on the mind, helping to clear away negative thought patterns and enhance mental clarity and focus.
  • Boosting self-esteem and confidence: Selenite can help to boost self-esteem and confidence by promoting a sense of inner peace and calm.
  • Enhancing spiritual growth: Selenite is said to have a high vibration energy that can help to enhance spiritual growth and connection with the divine.
  • Facilitating forgiveness and releasing negative emotions: Selenite is believed to have the ability to facilitate forgiveness and release negative emotions, helping to promote healing and emotional well-being.

The best way to use Selenite for emotional healing may vary depending on personal preferences and intentions. One common method is to place Selenite on the heart chakra during meditation or simply carry it with you throughout the day to promote emotional balance, reduce anxiety and stress, and boost self-esteem and confidence.

Selenite can also be used in crystal grids or placed in bath water to promote overall relaxation and emotional healing. Holding a Selenite wand and focusing on your intentions can also be an effective way to facilitate emotional release and forgiveness. However, it’s important to remember that Selenite should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health treatment.

Selenite Crystal

Selenite FAQ

Can Selenite go in the sun?

Selenite, which is a variety of Gypsum mineral, is a soft and fragile mineral that is not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. This is because sunlight can cause Selenite to fade or discolor, lose its luster, and become brittle.

Therefore, it is generally best to keep Selenite out of direct sunlight and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use. If you want to display Selenite in a sunny area, you can limit the exposure by placing it in a spot where it will receive indirect or filtered sunlight.

Can Selenite go in water?

Selenite is a hydrous calcium sulfate mineral, which means that it contains water molecules in its chemical composition. Although Selenite is not soluble in water, it is not recommended to submerge it in water for prolonged periods of time or expose it to excessive moisture.

This is because Selenite is a soft and fragile mineral that can easily be scratched or damaged by contact with water, and prolonged exposure to moisture can cause it to deteriorate or lose its luster over time. In addition, Selenite is a porous mineral that can absorb water, which can cause it to become softer and more prone to damage.

If you need to clean selenite, it is generally safe to use a soft, dry cloth to wipe it clean. If you need to remove stubborn dirt or grime, you can use a damp cloth or a mild cleaning solution, but be sure to dry it thoroughly afterward to prevent damage.

What does Selenite mean?

The name Selenite comes from the Greek word “selene,” which means “moon.” This is because of its pearly white or translucent appearance, which is reminiscent of the soft, glowing light of the moon.

How does Selenite form?

Selenite is a type of mineral that forms from the evaporation of saline or saltwater solutions over long periods of time. This process typically occurs in arid or semiarid environments where there is a high concentration of dissolved minerals in the groundwater.

As the water evaporates, the minerals become concentrated and begin to crystallize, forming layers of Gypsum, the mineral from which Selenite is composed. Over time, these layers build up and form large, translucent or opaque crystals that can range in size from small, flat shards to large, elongated prisms.

Selenite crystals are typically colorless, but they can also have a white, gray, yellow, or brownish tint due to the presence of impurities or trace elements. Some specimens of Selenite may also exhibit a pearly or iridescent luster, making them highly valued by collectors and enthusiasts.

What are the benefits of wearing Selenite?

Selenite is a popular crystal in the world of alternative healing and is believed to have a variety of benefits when worn as jewelry or carried as a talisman. Some of the potential benefits of wearing selenite include:

  • Promoting mental clarity and focus: Selenite is said to have a calming and grounding effect on the mind, which can help improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration.
  • Enhancing intuition and psychic abilities: Selenite is believed to stimulate the third eye and crown chakras, which can help enhance intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Easing anxiety and stress: Selenite is thought to have a soothing and calming energy that can help ease anxiety and stress and promote a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Promoting physical healing: Selenite is said to have a purifying and detoxifying effect on the body, which can help support physical healing and recovery.
  • Protection from negative energy: Selenite is believed to have protective energy that can help shield the wearer from negative energy and promote a sense of safety and security.

It’s worth noting that the benefits of Selenite are largely based on anecdotal evidence and personal experience, and there is limited scientific research to support these claims. As with any alternative healing practice, it is important to use Selenite in conjunction with traditional medical care and to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner if you have any underlying health conditions.

Where is Selenite found?

Selenite is a common mineral that can be found in many parts of the world. Some of the major deposits of selenite are found in the following regions:

  1. United States: Selenite is found in many parts of the United States, including California, Utah, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Michigan.
  2. Mexico: Mexico is one of the largest producers of selenite, with large deposits found in the states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon.
  3. Morocco: Selenite is also found in large deposits in Morocco, particularly in the region of Boulemane.
  4. Russia: Russia has significant deposits of selenite, particularly in the Ural Mountains.
  5. Australia: Selenite is found in several locations in Australia, including Queensland, New South Wales, and Western Australia.
  6. Spain: Selenite is found in the provinces of Almeria and Granada in southern Spain.

Selenite can be found in a variety of geological formations, including sedimentary rocks, evaporite deposits, and hot springs. It is often associated with other minerals such as halite, anhydrite, and calcite, and can be found in a range of crystal habits, including bladed, prismatic, and tabular crystals.

How old is Selenite?

The age of selenite varies depending on the location and geological formation where it is found.

Selenite is primarily composed of Gypsum, which is a common mineral that forms in sedimentary rocks. The age of sedimentary rocks can range from relatively young (a few thousand years) to very old (hundreds of millions to billions of years).

For example, Selenite crystals found in the Eocene-aged (approximately 56 to 33.9 million years old) Green River Formation in the western United States are around 50 million years old. Selenite formations found in the Permian-aged (approximately 298.9 to 252.2 million years old) Castile Formation in Texas are around 250 million years old.

In general, Selenite crystals are formed over long periods of time through the evaporation of saline or saltwater solutions, which can take thousands or even millions of years. The age of Selenite crystals can be determined through various methods of radiometric dating, which involves measuring the radioactive decay of isotopes in the surrounding rock formations.

Who can wear Selenite?

Anyone can wear Selenite, regardless of gender, age, or cultural background. Selenite is considered to be a very versatile crystal with a gentle energy that is generally safe for everyone to use.

That being said, it is important to note that some people may be more sensitive to the energy of crystals and may experience discomfort or adverse reactions when using them. If you are new to working with crystals or have any underlying health conditions, it is always a good idea to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner or crystal healer before using selenite or any other crystal for healing purposes.

Additionally, Selenite jewelry and talismans are typically worn for their energetic and spiritual benefits and are not intended to replace traditional medical care or treatment. While selenite may have many potential benefits, it should always be used in conjunction with other forms of healthcare and should not be relied upon as a sole treatment for any medical condition.

Are Selenite and Gypsum the same?

Selenite and Gypsum are closely related minerals, but they are not exactly the same.

Selenite is a crystalline form of the mineral Gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate), which means that Selenite and Gypsum have the same chemical composition (CaSO4·2H2O). However, Selenite has a unique crystalline structure and physical properties that distinguish it from other forms of Gypsum.

Selenite crystals are typically clear or white and have a translucent or pearly luster, while other forms of Gypsum may be more opaque or have a different color due to impurities. Selenite crystals are also known for their unique fibrous or bladed crystal habits, which can form into large, impressive formations.

In summary, while Selenite is a type of Gypsum, it is a distinct mineral with its own unique properties and characteristics.

Are Selenite and Satin Spar the same?

Selenite Crystal

Selenite and Satin Spar are not exactly the same, but they are both forms of Gypsum.

Selenite is a crystalline form of Gypsum that is usually transparent, colorless, or white and has a prismatic or tabular crystal habit. It is known for its unique fibrous or bladed crystal structure and is often used in healing and spiritual practices. See photo above.

Satin Spar, on the other hand, is a fibrous variety of Gypsum that has a pearly or silky luster and a fibrous, parallel crystal structure. Satin Spar is typically opaque or translucent and may come in a variety of colors, including white, gray, brown, and yellow.

While Selenite and Satin Spar have some similarities, they have distinct physical and optical properties that set them apart. Selenite is prized for its clarity and crystalline structure, while Satin Spar is valued for its soft, fibrous texture and its ability to be carved into decorative objects.

How do I cleanse Selenite?

Selenite is a crystal that is believed to have cleansing properties, but it also requires regular cleansing to maintain its energetic purity and effectiveness. Here are some ways to cleanse Selenite:

  • Moonlight: Place your Selenite under the light of the full moon for several hours or overnight to absorb the cleansing energy of the moon.
  • Sunlight: Selenite can also be cleansed by placing it in the sunlight for a few hours. However, be aware that prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the crystal to fade or become brittle, so use caution when using this method.
  • Sage or Incense: Another way to cleanse Selenite is to pass it through the smoke of burning sage or incense, which can help to purify its energy.
  • Sound: You can also cleanse your selenite by exposing it to sound vibrations, such as from singing bowls, bells, or tuning forks. Simply hold your selenite near the source of the sound and allow the vibrations to pass through it.
  • Earth: burying your Selenite in the earth for a day or two can also cleanse it. The earth is a natural purifier and can help to neutralize any negative energy that may have accumulated in the crystal.

Remember to always use your intuition when cleansing crystals and choose a method that feels right for you and your Selenite.

How do I charge Selenite?

Selenite is a crystal that is believed to have natural cleansing and charging properties, but it may also benefit from intentional charging to enhance its energy and effectiveness. Here are some ways to charge your Selenite:

  • Moonlight: Placing your Selenite under the light of the full moon can not only cleanse it but also charge it with the energy of the moon. Leave your Selenite out overnight during a full moon to absorb the lunar energy.
  • Sunlight: Selenite can also be charged by placing it in sunlight for a few hours. Be mindful not to leave it in direct sunlight for too long, as this can cause the crystal to fade or become brittle.
  • Other crystals: Selenite can be charged by placing it near or on top of other crystals that have a strong, positive energy. Some popular choices include clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Citrine.
  • Intentions: One way to charge your Selenite is to hold it in your hands and focus your intentions and positive energy on the crystal. This can help to align its energy with your intentions and amplify its effects.

Remember to always use your intuition when charging crystals and choose a method that feels right for you and your Selenite.

How do you pronounce Selenite?

Selenite is pronounced: seh-luh-nite

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